【名作】チャン・フン監督の映画 人気おすすめランキングTOP2

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1. タクシー運転手 ~約束は海を越えて~

韓国現代史上最大の悲劇、1980年の光州事件を巡る実話を、ソン・ガンホ主演で映画化した実録ドラマ。戒厳令下の光州を唯一取材したドイツ人記者の真実の行動を、彼を乗せたタクシー運転手の心境を追いつつ描く。 ( TMDB )


2. 高地戦

In 1951 ceasefire is declared, but two remaining armies fought their final battle on the front line Towards the end of the Korean War, a South Korean battalion is fiercely battling over a hill on the front line border against the North in order to capture a strategic point that would determine the new border between two nations. The ownership of this small patch of land would swap multiple times each day. Kang is dispatched to the front line in order to investigate the tacit case that’s been happening there. ( TMDB )
